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EAN : 9780062268341
352 pages
Dey Street Books (28/10/2014)
3.73/5   20 notes
Résumé :
Do you want to get to know the woman we first came to love on Comedy Central's Upright Citizens Brigade? Do you want to spend some time with the lady who made you howl with laughter on Saturday Night Live, and in movies like Baby Mama, Blades of Glory, and They Came Together? Do you find yourself daydreaming about hanging out with the actor behind the brilliant Leslie Knope on Parks and Recreation? Did you wish you were in the audience at the last two Golden Globes ... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
Petite précision pour commencer, ce livre je l'ai en fait lu avec mes oreilles...! Car c'est bien la version audio que j'ai écouté, lue par Amy Poehler elle même.
Et je dois dire que j'y ai pris énormément de plaisir, car l'auteur se livre sans dé tour, en commençant d'ailleurs par nous expliquer à quel point elle a souffert pour écrire ce livre !
De ses débuts à la consécration avec Saturday Night Live tout son parcours est retracé. Et en tant que fan de Parks and Recreation, je ne peux qu'apprécier les lignes dédiées à la série !
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Amy Poehler est une merveille d'humour, de force, d'intelligence et de courage. Une femme extraordinaire que j'ai pris grand plaisir à lire.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

critiques presse (1)
14 janvier 2015
Poehler se raconte sans fausse modestie ni pudeur dans Yes Please. Un premier effort littéraire très imparfait, complètement bordélique et totalement irrésistible.
Lire la critique sur le site : LaPresse

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Video de Amy Poehler (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Amy Poehler
"How to Be Yourself is a cheeky, kind and vibrant look at what it takes to shape your one beautiful and wild life." —Amy Poehler
'How to Be Yourself' is an irreverent book of radically honest advice by renowned humor writer and cultural commentator, Simon Doonan. Through his unconventional wisdom and singular storytelling, Simon Doonan is the ideal instructor to help readers find — and then flaunt — their own creative style and vision. With provocative wit, he walks us through every aspect of our lives: fashion, socializing, love, work, decor, and family, sharing case studies, quotations by cultural icons and practical tips.
Illustrated with amusing vintage and contemporary photographs, some lifted from the Doonan family album, How to Be Yourself is an inspiring, joyful and entertaining survival guide — a literary GPS that promises to transport you away from your phone and back to yourself.
Writer, media personality, and iconic window dresser Simon Doonan worked for Diana Vreeland at the Costume Institute before joining Barneys New York in 1986, where for nearly three decades he was the creative director behind the store's legendary displays. He is a judge for the NBC show Making It, and has been published in the New York Observer, The Daily Beast, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, and Slate, among others.
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