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EAN : 9780439684125

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Résumé :
If a bus could talk, it would tell the story of a young African-American girl named Rosa who had to walk miles to her one-room schoolhouse in Alabama while white children rode to their school in a bus. It would tell how the adult Rosa rode to and from work on a segregated city bus and couldn't sit in the same row as a white person. It would tell of the fateful day when Rosa refused to give up her seat to a white man and how that act of courage inspired others around... >Voir plus
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Video de Faith Ringgold (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Faith Ringgold
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition “Faith Ringgold: American People,” this panel discussion explores the enduring influence of Harlem on Ringgold's life and work and the impact she has had on the neighborhood's creative community.
Featuring Director of Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art and Storytelling Rob Fields, Director and CEO of Lucas Museum of Narrative Art Sandra Jackson-Dumont, writer and professor Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts, and artist Nari Ward, the conversation is moderated by exhibition co-curator Gary Carrion-Murayari, Kraus Family Curator. Co-presented with Cooper Union.
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