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Citations sur Calvin and Hobbes, tome 3 : Yukon Ho! (5)

- So long Mom! We're off to the Yukon. It's been nice living here... but not real nice! Ha ha!
- Calvin, wait a minute.
- Leave it to a mother to drag out a good-bye sheesh.
- Your going South-East. North is THAT way.
- Oh yeah, I knew that.
Commenter  J’apprécie          60
My tiger friend has got the sled,
And I have packed a snack.
We're all set for the trip ahead.
We're never coming back!

We're abandoning this life we've led!
So long, Mom and Pop!
We're sick of doing what you've said,
And now it's going to stop!

We're going where it snows all year,
Where life can have real meaning.
A place where we won't have to hear,
"Your room could stand some cleaning."

The Yukon is the place for us!
That's where we want to live.
Up there we'll get to yell and cuss,
And act real primitive.

We'll never have to go to school,
Forced into submission,
By monstrous crabby teachers who'll
Make us learn addition.

We'll never have to clean a plate
Of veggie glops and goos.
Messily we'll masticate
Using any fork we choose!

The timber wolves will be our friends.
We'll stay up late and howl,
At the moon, till nighttime ends,
Before going on the prowl.

Oh, what a life! We cannot wait,
To be in that arctic land,
Where we'll be masters of our fate,
And lead a life that's grand!
No more of parental rules!
We're heading for some snow!
Good riddance to those grown-up ghouls!
We're leaving! Yukon Ho!
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
- Hey dad, what are clouds made of?
- Hmm... I used to know that. I think they're mostly water.
- So how come they float?
- Well, it's sort of evaporated water. Maybe there are some other gases, too. I'm not sure.
- So why are they white when the rest of the sky is blue?
- Heck, beats me. I guess we ought to look this stuff up.
- I take it there's no qualifying exam to be a dad.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
- I'm hungry. Can I have a snack?
- Sure. Help yourself. You can have an apple or an orange from the fridge.
- [Calvin tenant une boîte de cookies] Even though we're both talking english, we're not speaking the same language.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
"Before beginning any home-plumbing repair, make sure you possess the proper tools for the job. Check the following list of handy expletives, and see that you know how to use them."
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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