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Lalit Kumar Sharma (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9789380028491
72 pages
Campfire (15/02/2011)
3.2/5   5 notes
Résumé :
Bold visionary, Henry Jekyll, believes he can use his scientific knowledge to divide a person into two beings--one of pure good and one of pure evil. Working tirelessly in his secret laboratory, concocting a potion that would tear at the core of what makes a man human, he eventually succeeds--but only halfway.

Instead of separating the good and evil halves, Jekyll isolates only the latter. What seems at first a relief to the doctor becomes a nightmare... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: The Graphic NovelVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
I've already read The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Stevenson before (but in French unfortunately) and I'm in love with this story. It's actually one of my favourite. That's why I chose it. Also, I always wanted to read it in English. At first, I was a bit disappointed when I learnt it was a comic book. Honestly, I think it was a great idea to just rewrite stories in another way so then I was actually excited to see how it was to read that story as a comic book.
The fact is that when I read the first pages I was very frustrated, not about the comic itself but about the drawings – no offence there! I thought the illustrators could have done a better job, especially on Mr. Hyde. I'll tell you why: in the original text (and that's what I find absolutely amazing) Hyde is described as someone that makes you really uncomfortable, because he is the representation of pure evil. So I thought the drawings were not transcending when it came to this. Also, it was a bit hard sometimes to just recognize the characters because they all looked a little bit the same. But honestly, the drawings must be the only thing I disliked about the comic.
Besides, I truly enjoyed reading it even though I think it is just better as a novel, simply because without images, you can never be disappointed! So for those who just don't care too much about the drawings and all, I really advise you to read this comic book because this story is just incredible. You really should discover it: you'll love it!

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Hello, here is my review of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The story depicts the fabulous enquiry of Mr Utterson on his old friend Dr. Jekyll and the stange Mr. Hyde. It takes place in London in 1886. This fascinating book was written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

My favourite character is Uterrson because he's him who feels the most realistic to me. To my mind, the extract which has been revealing is the moment when the relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was revealed.

I like the story because they aren't descriptions and they are a lot of actions which follow one after the other rapidly. However, according to me, it's a bit too gloomy. I recommend you this book.

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