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Vidéos de Anna Pavord (1)
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videos19 mai 2022
Chanticleer Garden, Windcliff, Heronswood and Phaidon present The Seasonal Gardener: Creative Planting Combinations. Anna Pavord, bestselling author and gardening writer, is joined by gardening experts Dan Hinkley of Windcliff and Bill Thomas of Chanticleer for a virtual conversation exploring creative planting combinations in celebration of her new book. Learn how to best to group plants in your garden to create seasonal displays with year-long impact. The three experts discuss planting combinations featured in Pavord's book, which pair ‘star plants' with two perfect partners to create a garden that will endlessly excite.

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Lecteurs de Anna Pavord (2)Voir plus

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Le Grand Meaulnes, d'Alain-Fournier

Quand Meaulnes arrive chez les Seurel c'est pour :

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