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Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Biographie :

Anne-Marie Conray est une auteur britannique qui écrit des romans pour enfants et adolescents. Elle a enseigné dans une école primaire et est elle même maman de deux garçons.

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Bibliographie de Anne-Marie Conway   (1)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
''Worrying about things is like sitting in a rocking chair,'' she said. ''It give you something to do but it doesn't actually get you anywhere.'' Her face creased up and she started to laugh her big wheezy laugh. ''Do you get it, Becky? All that rocking backwards and forwards, going over and over the same old worries, and at the end of the day you're in exactly the same place as when you started.''
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I couldn't imagine my mum showing anyone she was boss. She was the sort of person who said sorry if someone pushed in front of her to get on the bus.
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We'd been living in our new house in Oakbridge for just over a week and I hated everything about it. When mum said we were moving to the country, I'd imagined a pretty, old-fashioned cottage with roses round the door - I got the old bit right, but it was dark and gloomy with massive spiders, and cobwebs so thick it was impossible to see light through them. We'd spend every spare minute trying to get it sorted, but it still gave me the creeps.
"New house, new job, new beginning," Mum kept saying, doing her best to sound cheery. But the "new beginning" bit was hard - at least, it was for me.
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Lecteurs de Anne-Marie Conway (5)Voir plus

Quiz Voir plus

Set et Match - Liane Moriarty

Quel objet un homme qui a oublié la Saint-Valentin trouve-t-il comme cadeau pour sa femme ?

Une boite de chocolats
Une bouteille de parfum
Une rose rouge
Un vélo abandonné

17 questions
9 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Set et match ! de Liane MoriartyCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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