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Citation de Bookycooky

By the time I knew him, our grandfather was a vice-president of Pittsburgh’s Fidelity Trust Bank. He looked very like a cartoonist’s version of “vested interests.” In fact, he almost always wore a vest, and a gold watch on a chain; he was short and heavy; he had a small white mustache; he smoked cigars. At home, his thin legs crossed under his belly, he read the financial section of the paper, tolerant of children who might have been driven, in the long course of waiting for dinner, to beating their fingertips on his scalp.
(Quand j'ai connu grand-père, il était vice-président de la banque Fidelity Trust de Pittsburgh. Il ressemblait beaucoup à la version BD des "intérêts en gilet". En effet il portait toujours un gilet, une montre de gousset en or, il était petit et gros; il avait une petite moustache blanche; il fumait des cigares. A la maison, ses minces jambes croisées sous son ventre, il lisait la section financière du journal , tolérant les doigts des enfants impatients dans l'attente du dîner, lui tambouriner la tête.).
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