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Citation de Ceres2023

‘Why are you happy?’ Rosemary asked one morning [...] I smiled at the question, thinking how far I had come myself to be even asked such a question. Considering what I had been going through [...] ‘Because happiness is a choice, Rosemary, and one I try to make every day. Some days I can’t. Like you, I’ve had a hard life; in different ways, but still hard. But rather than dwelling on what’s wrong and how hard I’ve done it, I try to find the blessings in each day and appreciate the moment I am in, as much as I can,’ I told her honestly. ‘We have the freedom to choose what we focus on. I try to choose the positive stuff, like getting to know you, like doing work I love, not being under pressure to reach sales targets, and appreciating my health and every day of being alive.’
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