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Vidéos de Dan Berger (2)
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Penelope15 avril 2016
DAN BERGER: Political Prisoners in the US, #2/2
This two-part interview with author/activist Dan Berger was conducted in the Winter of 2009. The interview is mostly based on Berger's essay "The Real Dragons: A Brief History of Political Militancy and Incarceration: 1960s to 2000s," which is featured in the book "Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners" (PM Press, 2008).
Penelope15 avril 2016
DAN BERGER: Political Prisoners in the US, #1/2
This two-part interview with author/activist Dan Berger was conducted in the Winter of 2009. The interview is mostly based on Berger's essay "The Real Dragons: A Brief History of Political Militancy and Incarceration: 1960s to 2000s," which is featured in the book "Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners" (PM Press, 2008).

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Quiz No et moi

Où se sont rencontrées No et Lou pour la première fois?

Dans un parc.
A la gare.
Dans un café.
Au lycée.

11 questions
1533 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : No et moi de Delphine de ViganCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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