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Biographie :

Mrs. Casey has been with World Wisdom since 1981, and in her capacity as editor she had the opportunity to meet frequently with Frithjof Schuon for the publication of many of his books in English translation. Her current responsibilities involve working with other translators and editors on the translation and cataloging of Schuon's correspondence and unpublished papers for the future use of interested readers and scholars.

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Quiz sur l´Etranger par Albert Camus

L´Etranger s´ouvre sur cet incipit célèbre : "Aujourd´hui maman est morte...

Et je n´ai pas versé de larmes
Un testament sans héritage
Tant pis
Ou peut-être hier je ne sais pas

9 questions
4777 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'étranger de Albert CamusCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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