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4/5 (sur 2 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

John Langellier est un historien américain spécialiste de l’histoire militaire et notamment de la guerre civile américaine.

Il est diplômé en histoire de l’université de San Diego et est titulaire d’un doctorat en histoire militaire de l’université d’État du Kansas.

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Bibliographie de John Langellier   (2)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Both sides thought the conflict would be short-lived; both believed they were in the right and would soon prevail. Convictions ran high, turning friend against friend, brother against brother, son against father.
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The 54th’s valiant efforts had not brought down Fort Wagner, but one thing was certain: no one could question whether the black man would fight. He had and would continue to do so throughout the war.
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Those who were accustomed to having their meals prepared were very disappointed to learn that they had to cook their own food, an experience that was foreign to the majority of the new soldiers.
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In fact, the medical inspection was often so lax that no fewer than 400 women were known to have enlisted without their gender being discovered.
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Dans les forêts de Sibérie, de Sylvain Tesson

En quelle année ce récit autobiographique a-t-il été publié ?


6 questions
115 lecteurs ont répondu
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