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Citations de John Robert Colombo (5)

Saskatoon may not be the end of the world, as the saying goes, but you can see it from there.
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Forty Signs that You Might Be Canadian
12. You’re not sure if the leader of your nation has ever had sex and you don’t want to know if he has!
30. You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.
31. You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.
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Q. Why can’t the United States and Canada declare war on each other?
A. There would be no place for the draft dodgers to go.
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(Wrote during George V reign, when prohibition was in effect in United States but not in Canada.)

Four and twenty Yankees, feeling very dry,
Went across the border to get a drink of rye.
When the rye was opened, the Yanks began to sing,
“God bless America, but God save the King.”
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A Canadian is someone who…
(…) When given a compliment, always look behind to see for whom it is intended.
(…) In a restaurant, apologizes for not being ready to order at the waiter’s convenience.
(…) Says “Hi” to anyone walking a dog.
Goes to hot-tub parties where people wear bathing suits.
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