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4.1/5 (sur 20 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
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Morgan Elizabeth est auteure de romance.

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Citations et extraits (22) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
'A relationship is like the law. It needs balance. If it’s out of balance, if one person sees themselves as less valuable, if another sees themselves as more valuable, the balance isn’t there.' His dark eyes are boring into mine with his words, and any words I could say are stuck in my chest.
'You are not less than me. I am not less than you. We are humans who do what we can to help people.'
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Being a parent isn’t about repayment. It’s about the kids in your life filling your cup in a way they’ll never understand until they’re parents themselves. It’s about giving and giving and never worrying you’ll hit the bottom, leaving nothing for yourself. But you’d do it anyway if you had to, over and over again, without a second thought
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'You don’t give the gift of your smile to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, Delilah.'
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Luna, I’m lying in my bed, staring at a goddamned One Direction poster on my ceiling.” Luna chokes out a laugh. “Is Harry hot?” “In the photo, he is quite literally a child, so no.
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That same day, I ran to a bookstore and bought a dozen books.
None of them were classics.
None of them were beneficial to my brain or written as "self-help".
But each of them was good for my soul.
Each of them let me get lost and turn off my brain. Live in happily ever afters and watch the drama unfold and then wrap up neatly, unlike the real world.
That day I stopped caring about what other people thought.
That day, I realized I needed to live to make myself happy.
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I can’t have him closer. He muddles my mind and makes me think there might be hope in the world, there might not be just a universe of people who want to destroy my heart.
I might have found a man who wants to mend it.
Or even more terrifying and consuming, I’ve found the man who’s okay with the shattered pieces, who likes watching the light reflect off them. A man who is happy to take me as I am—broken and unfinished—so long as I’m his.
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'Baby, you’ll learn eventually that men only think they rule the world. Women? Women are the ones who really make it turn.'
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'Why are you using my toothbrush?' I turn, spit into the sink, and turn back to him.
'Dental hygiene is very important, Ben. Your smile is the first thing people see of you.' An eyebrow goes up. 'Well, maybe not you because all you do is glare at people. But for the rest of us…'
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It’s companionship. It’s finding someone who wants you to be your happiest and doing whatever it takes to get you that not because it benefits them, but because they like you and care for you enough to want you to have it.
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There are only two times when my brain quiets down. Two times when the questions stop, the ideas pause, and my mind is blissfully silent.
One is when the music is loud and all-consuming.
The second is when I'm reading.
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Test Voight-Kampff

Un collègue de travail vous apprend qu'il a malencontreusement écrasé un petit insecte. Quelle est votre réaction ?

Vous êtes infiniment triste
Bof,ce n'était qu'un insecte
Vous compatissez, mais au fond, vous vous en fichez un peu
Tant mieux ! Vous detestez ces petites bêtes

6 questions
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