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Ocean View tome 2 sur 3
EAN : 9798837497773
314 pages
Auto édition (22/06/2022)
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Her mind gets in the way.

Gabi has spent her entire life with her head in the clouds. random thought interrupting at the worst moments. It's the reason why now, at the age of 28. she still hasn't experience that 'special feeling' - by herself or with a partner.

When she attends her best friend and boss' bridal shower, she gets some advice that almost works - until she falls in the shower, breaking her wrist and landing her in Doctor Vi... >Voir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
That same day, I ran to a bookstore and bought a dozen books.
None of them were classics.
None of them were beneficial to my brain or written as "self-help".
But each of them was good for my soul.
Each of them let me get lost and turn off my brain. Live in happily ever afters and watch the drama unfold and then wrap up neatly, unlike the real world.
That day I stopped caring about what other people thought.
That day, I realized I needed to live to make myself happy.
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There are only two times when my brain quiets down. Two times when the questions stop, the ideas pause, and my mind is blissfully silent.
One is when the music is loud and all-consuming.
The second is when I'm reading.
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