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Bibliographie de N.J. Campbell   (1)Voir plus


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Then, when I remounted my camel, I saw it—a large heat shimmer in the distance. I knew exactly what it was and I rode straight toward it. As I rode—as I live and breathe—I swear I saw stars, icebergs, islands and mists as clear as day in that mirage—I saw, in some form or other, the content of many of my dreams.
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'The City of Dreams', he said, 'is a myth in journalism that connects loose statements about dreams in relationship to a place from various historical sources. [...] The point is, it's a myth—a mirage in the margins of conjecture and hearsay. People want it to be real, want it to be true, so they imagine they hear things about it or connect events or source materials to one another in selective of specific ways. [...]'
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Le quiz de minuit !

🎬 Scénariste hollywoodien, Gil séjourne à Paris avec Inez, qu'il doit épouser, sous la menace permanente de ses beaux-parents et d'un vieil ami d'université. Un soir qu'il s'est échappé, sur les douze coups de minuit, une mystérieuse automobile le prend à son bord. Le voici propulsé à Paris dans les années 1920... (Minuit à Paris)

Woody Allen
Clive Donner 
Martin Ritt 
John Turturro 

11 questions
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