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Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

Naomi McDougall Jones is an award-winning actress, writer, producer, and women in film activist.
She graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA).
Naomi wrote, produced, and starred in the 2014 indie feature film, Imagine I'm Beautiful.
Naomi’s second feature film, Bite Me, is a subversive romantic comedy about a real-life vampire and the IRS agent who audits her.
Naomi's first book is The Wrong Kind of Women: Inside Our Revolution to Dismantle the Gods of Hollywood.
Naomi has been a vocal advocate for bringing gender parity to film, both on and off screen. She has spoken at film festivals and conferences around the world and written extensively on this subject.
Naomi TEDTalk on these issues and what to do about them, "What it's Like to be a Woman in Hollywood, has been viewed over a million times.
She has teamed up with former CFO of the City of Chicago, Lois Scott, to found The 51 Fund, a VC investment fund that will finance films written, directed, and produced by women.
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White men have created 95% of the cinematic images we’ve ever seen in American main stream films, have made all the micro-decisions related to the shots, the framing, the lighting, the sound design of movie images that we have ever seen. So powerful is the impact of film and so ubiquitous white men’s perspective in shaping it that their worldview has been normalized to the point of being considered the one true, accurate, and all-inclusive reflection of reality. It is not. It is one narrow prism through which we are all being forced to look.
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