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Citations de Patricia Pearson (8)

Patricia Pearson
One woman who claimed self-defense, for instance, was a twenty-eight-year-old Latina humiliated by the love affair between her younger sister and her husband. When her sister gave birth to his baby, she went to her sister’s apartment intent on killing them both. The sisters fought, the eldest whipped out a handgun and fired three shots, killing her betraying sibling. Then she grabbed her infant niece, stormed over to her husband’s workplace, announced what she’d done, and threatened to kill him too. Her husband was able to wrench free the gun. « With no prior record, she received 10 years’ probation. » And landed in the data as an abused woman who’d killed in self-defense.
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In psychatic parlance, Marybeth Tinning seems to have Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The phrase describes a condition that spin-off from Munchausen syndrome, in which a person self-inflicts injuries or invents symptoms in an unceasing quest from family and doctors. Munchausen syndrome is "instrumental" aggression, meaning that it's calculated, strategic - a delibarate and manipulative deception. In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a person inflicts injuries on someone else - specifically, a child.
MSBP is almost exclusively the province of women who find themselves in maternal roles, either as biological or adoptive mothers or as babysitters or caretakers.

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Many feminists, and some criminologists, promote the notion that women are treated more harshly than men for crime : that not only is the violence they commit the fault of others’ abuse but that the system further abuses them through punishment. The evidence suggests the contrary : women are still receiving preferential treatment in the justice system. In 1987, twenty-two out of every one hundred persons for « serious crimes » in the United States were women. Yet only ten out of one hundred persons convicted for serious crimes were women, and five out of one hundred persons imprisoned for those crimes were women. In 1986, 48 percent of New York women convicted of homicide actually went in prison, whereas 77 percent of men did.
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Patricia Pearson
In primate research, all it took was one scholar, the primatologist Sarah Hrdy, to pose the right questions and challenge the myth of exclusively male aggression. Conducting field research in Africa in the 1970s, Hrdy observed that, in monogamous primates, loyalty was imposed by the females, not the males. « Any prospect of polygyny, » she wrote, referring to thé practice of having multiple mates, «would be precluded by fierce antagonism among females of breeding age. In most monogamous species, rival females are physically excluded from the territory by thé aggressiveness of its mistress. »
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Women commit the majority of child homicides in the United States, a greater share of physical child abuse, and equal rate of sibling violence and assaults on the elderly, about a quarter of child sexual abuse, an overwhelming share of the killings of newborns, and a fair preponderance of spousal assaults. The question is how do we come to PERCEIVE what girls and women do ? Violence is still universally considered to be the province of the male. Violence is masculine.

PROPOSITION DE TRADUCTION pouvant être améliorée
Ce sont les femmes qui commettent la majorité des homicides d’enfants aux États-Unis, une plus grande part de maltraitance physique et un taux égal de violences fratricides et d’agressions sur les personnes âgées, sur un quart de l’abus sexuel d’enfants, une part écrasante des meurtres des nouveaux-nés et une équitable prépondérance des agressions au profit du conjoint. La question est comment arriver à percevoir ce que les filles et les femmes font ? La violence est encore universellement considérée comme l’apanage du mâle. La violence est masculine.
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Until the 1970s, it was acceptable in Texas for men to say they had killed their wives as retribution for adultery. Now, they cannot as easily use that explanation, even if jealousy was the motive. They must come up with something else, both legally and culturally. So they talk of brain injury or too much sugar or a childhood of abuse. Ted Bundy blamed his attacked on women in the late 1970s in the states of Washington, Utah, and Florida on pornography. More than a few antiporn activists leapt on this confession as gospel truth. In another era, Bundy might have said he was possessed by the devil. The behaviour is so complex und unfathomable, even to him, that he grasped at the slim straws provided by popular rhetoric.
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In her six-city study, Coramae Richey Mann found that 80 percent of her sample of women who’d killed claimed they were « not responsible, » whether their victimes were men, other women, or children. In cases of self-defense, the provocation often turned out to be verbal - a taunt or an insult, not a lethal physical attack. In some cases, the provocation was sexual rivalry.
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Violence is masculine. Men are the cause of it, and women and children the ones who suffer. The sole explanation offered up by criminologists for violence committed by a woman is that it is involuntary; the rare result of provocation or mental illness, as if half of the population of the globe consisted of saintly stoics who never succumbed to fury, frustration, or greed. Though the evidence may contradict the statement, the consensus runs deep. Women from all walks of life, at all levels of power – corporate, political, or familial, women in combat and on police forces – have no part in violence.
It is one of the most abiding myths of our time.

La violence est masculine. Les hommes en sont la cause, les femmes et les enfants sont ceux qui en souffrent. La seule et unique explication apportée par les criminologues aux actes de violence commis par une femme est que c’est involontaire, le résultat rare de provocation ou de maladie mentale, comme si la moitié de la population du globe se composait de Saints stoïciens qui n’ont jamais succombé à la fureur, la frustration, ou la cupidité.
Même si la réalité peut contredire cela, ce consensus est déjà profondément ancré (grand merci à Bobby the Rasta Lama pour sa traduction)
Les femmes de toutes les conditions sociales, à tous les niveaux de pouvoir et de puissance - d'entreprise, politique, ou familial, des femmes au combat et dans les forces de police - n'ont aucune part de violence.

C'est un des mythes les plus constants de notre temps.
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