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Citation de missmolko1

'Let's get right down to business,' said Furhage, looking them both in the eyes. 'Something, let's call it a situation, has come up which may actually turn out to be a non-situation - an insignificant little trifle.'
Fabian glanced at Edelman, who looked as perplexed as he felt.
'Melvin Stenberg here is responsible for personal security and can tell us more,' Furhage continued, before nodding towards the man with a blue tie.
'At 3:24 p.m. today, about an hour after question time in parliament concluded, Carl-Eric Grimås walked out the west door of the parliament building, where a car was waiting for him. According to our driver, Grimås never showed up and hasn't been seen since.'
'Wait a minute, do you mean that the Minister for Justice is missing?' said Edelman.
Stenberg adjusted his tie and nodded curtly.
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