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3.75/5 (sur 4 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) : 1956
Biographie :

Touche-à-tout sans cesse en quête de nouveaux défis, Thomas J. Craughwell a travaillé dans des domaines tels que l’économie, l’histoire…

Écrivain de chroniques pour le Wall Street Journal, il a aussi plusieurs livres et essais à son actif qui reflètent ses centres d’intérêts et sa soif de connaissances : il a écrit sur les saints chrétiens, Lincoln, Gengis Khan et même l’introduction de la gastronomie française aux États-Unis…

Cette quête de savoir l’a mené à chercher à mieux comprendre l’humain, et il nous livre dans "Mon QI en maths" le fruit de ses réflexions à travers des tests amusants et originaux.

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Source : amazon
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Holly Beckett
Udderly Shakespeare in the Park

Holly Beckett has two passions - making collages from found objects and collecting old books. At a sale of old books not lon ago, she discovered a beautiful leather cover with gold embossing: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Just the cover, mind you, not the whole book. "I bought it because I thought it would look good in a collage", Beckett said. "Then I found the rest of the book that had been separated from the cover, so I thought, what the heck, and I bought that, too."
The typesetting of the antique Shakespeare was beautiful, and while Beckett was contemplating how to use the lovely pages in a collage, she heard about the CowParade. She submitted a proposal to cover a cow with the complete works of William Shakespeare.
"The book's title page is on the cow's nose", Beckett said, "and All's Well That Ends Well is on its butt".
The look is udderly shakespearean.
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Cows on rollerblades. Cows on bikes. Cosw jogging around the Reservoir. Cows playing frisbee in the Sheep Meadow. Cows lining up for tickets to Shakespeare in the Par. Cows rowing on the lake. Central Park is cow arcadia.
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