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4.4/5 (sur 10 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) le : 3 janvier 1976
Biographie :

Menton J. Matthews III est un artiste américain né dans l’état du Mississipi, qui vit aujourd’hui à Chicago.
À la fois artiste, illustrateur et scénariste de comics sous le nom de menton3, il est également compositeur et musicien multi-instrumentaliste. Membre de la formation trip hop Sunday Munich avec son épouse Sarah Matthews de 1998 à 2000, il compose désormais pour son projet solo Saltillo.
Après un premier titre autoédité en 2009, Ars Memoria, il a été sollicité par IDW, Dark Horse et Image comics, pour lesquels il a réalisé de nombreuses couvertures (Crawl to Me, The Thing, Proof, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Classics Mutilated, 30 Days of Night…) et illustrations. En 2012, il collabore avec Kasra Ghanbari à l’écriture de Monocyte (IDW), dont il réalise à la fois l’illustration et la bande-son.
Il devient la même année cofondateur de l’éditeur de comics et livres d’art indépendant 44Flood, basé à Chicago, aux côtés de Ben Templesmith, Kasra Ghanbari et Nick Idell.
Parmi ses influences majeures on compte le peintre Jérôme Bosch, l’alchimie, l’occultisme ou encore la psychologie jungienne.
En avril 2014, il monte sa première exposition solo à la galerie Last Rites de Chicago : "Katabasis", en lien avec cette exposition, il réalise un livre d'art et un album de Saltillo portant également le titre Katabasis.

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Source : 44Flood, wikipedia
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Ouverture de l'exposition "Katabasis" de Menton3, qui a donné lieu à la publication d'un livre d'art du même nom.

Citations et extraits (7) Ajouter une citation
How can such a thing as light even be ?
When it is provable that you are nothing more than a vapor, wavelenghts of energy.
For do you not think ? And in thinking do you not think of places ?
These places of which you think, are they a thought in your head, or are they in your head ? Or are they somewhere else ?
In thinking of them, do you not see them ? And in the seeing of them, are they not real ?
And if they are not real, will you then say that what you see before you now is more or less real than they, for you only know it by the seing.
If death is what he seeks, life is what he fears.
Where do you go when you dream ?
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Again, every painting that I do are images or ideas of functions that come up during meditative states with me attempting to get to my Hellmouth in order to get to my own underworld internally, psychologically. I know that might sound like highfalutin and kinf of strange or New-Agey or whatever, but it's really a process of trying to get to the darkest areas in your psyche and bring back not only information but images.
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My name is Augustus Lubert Das. But before anything else is told, lets get one thing out of the way. I do not like your kind. Yes, the ones that read comics day in and day out, so they can be transported away to a fantasy world. Every creak in a house is a ghost, every light in the sky is an alien invader, a wave in a lake is a prehistoric monster. But I need you... Without you the story and I do not exist. What you are about to read is happening while you read it, I will talk in past tense at times, but it is only to set up the memories. You need to understand what is about to happen to us... to you.
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Azrael : I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished.
All creatures must bear witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect.
Trust the way of things enough to know, that this must be.
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Augustus : TELL ME WHERE HE IS NOW !!!
Lapis : Let me speak plainly so not to offend your dilettante sense of being. You say "now" as if it means something. Your measurement of duration is not time. When will be "now" ? When was "now" ? When is "now" ? In time Augustus, nothing moves. Yet what virtue transpire in the "now" you call a life ? Patience ? But if vice you must show... Then wrath we play.
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They will know me. Death. I am Azrael, made manifest through broken purpose, the outcome of men conspiring against a necessary end, fools turning empathy and hubris into covenant. Long has this melancholy endured, buoyancy forming thoughts ripened to whispers becoming vice, idleness made kindle. And to what end ? All will have the dream where reign beats down my elaborate form. This world must burn.
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Death will know your name.
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