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Prudentius (01/01/2014)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
KATABASIS is a 9.25x11" 96 page hardcover art book based on Menton3 solo show at Last Rites Gallery in NYC opening April 19, 2014.

The book will include all the works presented at the Last Rites Gallery show along with preliminary sketches, drawings, oil paintings, and other developmental works that were part of Menton3's inward journey to draw forth the images for the gallery show.

The book will also include information about Katabasis... >Voir plus
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Again, every painting that I do are images or ideas of functions that come up during meditative states with me attempting to get to my Hellmouth in order to get to my own underworld internally, psychologically. I know that might sound like highfalutin and kinf of strange or New-Agey or whatever, but it's really a process of trying to get to the darkest areas in your psyche and bring back not only information but images.
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Vidéo de  Menton3
Ouverture de l'exposition "Katabasis" de Menton3, qui a donné lieu à la publication d'un livre d'art du même nom.
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Monstres de la mythologie grecque

Je suis une créature hybride, mi-homme mi-cheval.

Le Minotaure
Le Centaure
La Cavale
La Manticore

12 questions
3439 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : monstre , mythologie grecque , créatures mythologiques , mythologie , mythesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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