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Critique de ReadingChallenge2022

We both like the story of xiomara , we think that xio is an intersting characters , a lot of people can refer to her story with her family and it can help people to talk about their problem , the book deals with slam and for people who didn't know it can be a medium to discover something new and maybe try it.
For people who don't like reading like us it is easy to read and fast so we think that everyone is able to read this book.
We also really like the fact that itw as written in verses and poems , there is haiku , caligram and others form of poems and we think it something unusual and it brings something new .
Concerning the story of xiomara , it is very mouving and kind of tragic , the relationship between her and her mother is difficult , she didn't agree with her and they don't have the same point of view and it beget argument .
When she met aman she became different and more glowing but her mother didn't accept this .
But despite their quarrel at the end they managed to find a common ground and the tense were calm.
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