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Citations sur Un royaume de chair et de feu (134)

"Et en Atlantie, être accueilli au sein de la famille royale est considéré comme un grand honneur, poursuivit-il. Je pense que tu plairas à ma mère."
Je me levai d'un bond. "On ne se mariera pas !" J'abattis le couteau devant moi. Il s'enfonça profondément dans la table en bois à côté du lit. Quand je le lâchai, le manche continua à vibrer sous le coup de l'impact.
"Correction : ma mère va t'adorer", murmura Hawke. Car à cet instant, c'était bien Hawke qui me parlait.
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Casteel stiffened.
"And maybe you should actually look at me when you try to order me to do things", I tacked on.
He turned to me, his head cocked. "I'm looking at you now."
"But are you listening?"
"Oh man", Delano murmured under his breath as the rest of the room went dead silent. "Someone is getting stabbed again."
Someone, I think it was Jasper, snorted.
"Oh, I'm listening", Casteel replied. "Maybe you should try that. Along with this thing called common sense."
"Definitely getting stabbed", Kieran confirmed.
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I was in love with him, even though that love had been built on a foundation of lies. I loved him even though there was so much I didn't know about him. I loved him even though I knew I was a willing pawn to him.
- Poppy
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Tell me what piece of you I can have. It can be any piece of your choosing. whatever it is I’ll take it. it will be my most prized possession.
- Casteel
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