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Citations sur A Vine Mess, tome 2 : Unfortunately Yours (4)

'Anyway,' Natalie said seriously, with a quick smooth of her hair, 'I foresee great things.'
'So do I,' August agreed, looking down at her.
But she had a feeling they weren’t talking about the same thing at all and the possibility made her heart hammer.
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'I promise to take your side in every argument unless it’s the one you’re having with me, then it’s fair game. But the point I’m trying to make is that we might fight…' He scanned the room with a pointed look. 'But God help anyone else who tries to fight with you. They will answer to me.'
'I also promise to protect you from this day forward. From cat claws to fires to drunk people with axes. You’re always going to be safe. I’ll make sure of it. You can call me no matter where you are, and I’ll come.'
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'They should have noticed. You should always be noticed.'
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
'Your turn. Love or pride?'
'Love,' he answered without hesitation.
Why did something inside her bloom like a rose over his answer? 'Really?' Her voice was more uneven than a middle schooler’s. 'You just told me that whole story about Honda Accords and your family valuing pride.'
'I know.' He appeared thoughtful. 'But love seems more important now.'
Don’t ask why. 'Why?'
'Because I can tell you don’t believe in it. And I want you to.'
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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