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Citations sur Paris au fil du temps (4)

Paris today

Tourist attractions
The most visited monuments are Notre-Dame, the Sacré Coeur, and the Eiffel Tower. But the 27 million tourists, two-thirds of them foreign, who come to the City of Lights every year are also drawn by its charm, its celebrated quays (perfect for strolling), its lively café terraces, and its nightlife
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Dark Medieval Paris

Different neighborhoods
The Paris of mervhanys and traders was on the Right Bank of the river Seine. It was the liveliest part of town.
The Left Bank was home to professors and students at the universities. The king and his court settled on an island in the heart of the city, the Ile de la Cité, where Notre-Dame Cathedral was built.
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Dark Medieval Paris

An army of stonecutters, carpenters, sculptors, and glassmakers labored for two centuries to build the world' s most beautiful cathedral.
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The urban escargot
The twenty arrondissements of Paris form a spiral like a snail shell, beginning in the heart of the city and winding toward the edges. There are fourteen arrondissements, or districts, of the Right Bank, and six on the Left Bank.
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    Lecteurs (13) Voir plus

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    Quelle guerre ?

    Autant en emporte le vent, de Margaret Mitchell

    la guerre hispano américaine
    la guerre d'indépendance américaine
    la guerre de sécession
    la guerre des pâtissiers

    12 questions
    3247 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : guerre , histoire militaire , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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