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EAN : 9780099494287
Vintage (01/01/2008)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
When Daily Telegraph correspondent Tim Butcher was sent to cover Africa in 2000 he quickly became obsessed with the idea of recreating H.M. Stanley's famous expedition - but travelling alone.
Despite warnings that his plan was 'suicidal', Butcher set out for the Congo's eastern border with just a rucksack and a few thousand dollars hidden in his boots. Making his way in an assortment of vessels including a motorbike and a dugout canoe, helped along by a cast ... >Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
A journalist going the same way in the Congo as Stanley did a hundred years ago...
The book is a bit too self-congratulating for the author who seems so happy to show he is the only outsider to do this for decades. More importantly, it lacks the depth that you could expect from someone fascinated by the Congo, it rather gives a journalist's perspective, with direct information from the field, interviews from the people he meets and some background information.
Despite this, it remains a good "travel book" which gives a small insight about the state of the regions he goes across...
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