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EAN : 9781905916559
210 pages
Fledgling Press (02/11/2012)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Young Tom afflick has never felt so alone. His parents have split up and his mother has relocated him, hundreds of miles away from his home in Manchester, to the unfamiliar city of Edinburgh. At his new school, Tom is simply known as "Manky" -- a blow-in, an outsider.
On a routine school trip to the historic site of Mary King's Close, Tom follows the ghostly figure of a young girl -- only to find himself transported back in time to 1645, the year of the Edinb... >Voir plus

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Du bazar mélancolique au souk joyeux, le borborygme assourdissant des bonimenteurs

Bazar et vacarme sont le même mot. Le mot persan bazar s’analyse en wescar. Le mot arménien vacarme se décompose en wahacarana. L’un et l’autre disent la rue marchande (mot à mot « l’endroit où on marche pour acheter », la ville).

Émile Zola
Pascal Quignard

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