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Citations sur Feminists Don't Wear Pink (and other lies) (5)

A feminist who only fights for the lives of women like herself isn't fighting for everyone. - Scarlett Curtis, journaliste et activiste.
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I will be reborn. I will be free. I will be the girl I was always meant to be. - Charlie Craggs, auteure et activiste trans, page 79.
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I will always be the little girl who grew up believing she could make it to the moon, in a world that still debates whether girls should have an education and whether women should have reproductive rights. - Alaa Murabit, docteure et défenseuse internationale des processus de paix inclusifs, page 109.
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I am going to let you into another secret: smashing the patriarchy can be fun. You can save the world, be a feminist and be cool AF. - Nimco Ali, activiste contre les mutilations génitales, page 272.
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Don't lift a woman up by tearing another woman down. - Olivia Perez, fondatrice de Friend for a friend, page 167.
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