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Citations sur Makers (1)

Kettlewell blew out a long breath. 'OK, table it. Table it. Here's what I've been pulling together: we've got a shit-kicking corporate firm that used to handle the Kodacell business that's sending out a partner to go to the Broward County court this morning to get the injuction lifted. They're doing this as a freebie, but I told them that they could handle the business if we put together all the rides into one entity.'
Now it was Perry's turn to boggle. 'What kind of entity?'
'We have to incorporate them all, get them all under one umbrella so that we can defend them all in one go. Otherwise there's no way we're going to be able to save them. Without a corporate entity, it's like trying to herd cats. Besides, you need some kind of structure, a formal constitution or something for this thing. You've got a network protocol, and that's it. There's money at stake here - potentially some big money - and you can't run something like that on a handshake. It's too vulnerable. You'll get embezzled or sued into oblivion before you even have a chance to grow. So I've started the paperwork to get everything under one banner.
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