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EAN : 9780964191648
230 pages
Burning Flags Press (01/01/2000)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The acclaimed book that chronicles in words and pictures a decade in the lives of the Z-Boys, the group of underground surfers who turned the world of skateboarding on its head. Including the best of the DogTown articles originally written by C.R.Stecyk III for Skateboarder Magazine, and hundreds of never-before-seen images from the archive of Glen E Friedman, the book was made into an award winning documentary, and later on a film Kings of Dogtown.

Video de Glen E Friedman (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Glen E Friedman
La Petroleuse bookstore ( presnets the book MY RULES by Glen E. Friedman ( The definitive monograph of Glen E. Friedman, a pioneer of skate, punk, and hip-hop photography, including much never-before-published work. Glen E. Friedman is best known for his work capturing and promoting rebellion in his portraits of artists such as Fugazi, Black Flag, Ice-T, Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Bad Brains, Beastie Boys, Run-D.M.C., and Public Enemy, as well as classic skateboarding originators such as Tony Alva, Jay Adams, Alan "Ollie" Gelfand, Duane Peters, and Stacy Peralta, and a very young Tony Hawk.
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