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Citations sur The Big Sky (1)

Summer pulled up and swung his leg from across his horse and stood looking down at the plains, which seemed close but would take a spell to get to with the going like it was. Though spring was coming on, Summers still wore his old capote with the Hood that came up from it and went over his head. He reached inside and got out a piece of roasted liver and began to munch while his eye traveled north and south and back again.
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    Les personnages de Lucky Luke

    Je suis le personnage secondaire "réel" le plus présent dans la série et je fais ma première apparition dans l'album "Hors-la-loi". Dès ma deuxième apparition, dans "Lucky Luke contre Joss Jamon", je prends les traits d'un jeune bandit coléreux, petit, nez retroussé, taches de rousseurs et incisives en avant, je suis la parfaite caricature des jeunes adolescents.

    Lucky Luke
    Jolly Jumper
    Joe Dalton
    Billy the Kid
    Calamity Jane
    Roy Bean
    Buffalo Bill
    Jesse James
    Sarah Bernhardt
    Wyatt Earp
    Abraham Lincoln
    Edwin Drake
    Mark Twain
    Allan Pinkerton

    15 questions
    154 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : bd jeunesse , bande dessinée , bande dessinée humour , western , western humoristique , bd franco-belge , personnages , Personnages fictifsCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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