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Citations sur Croyez-moi, je vous mens (62)

Blogs need things to cover. The Times has to fill a newspaper only once per day. A cable news channel has to fill twenty-four hours of programming 365 days a year. But blogs have to fill an infinite amount of space. The site that covers the most stuff wins. Political blogs know that their traffic goes up during election cycles. Since traffic is what they sell to advertisers, elections equal increased revenue. Unfortunately, election cycles come only every few years. Worse still, they end. Blogs have a simple solution: Change reality through the coverage.
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We’re a country governed by public opinion, and public opinion is largely governed by the press, so isn’t it critical to understand what governs the press?[...]To understand what makes blogs act—why the media ended up giving Trump something like $ 4.6 billion worth of free publicity—is the key to making them do what you want (or stopping this broken system). Learn their rules, change the game. That’s all it takes to control public opinion.
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    Les écrivains et le suicide

    En 1941, cette immense écrivaine, pensant devenir folle, va se jeter dans une rivière les poches pleine de pierres. Avant de mourir, elle écrit à son mari une lettre où elle dit prendre la meilleure décision qui soit.

    Virginia Woolf
    Marguerite Duras
    Sylvia Plath
    Victoria Ocampo

    8 questions
    1720 lecteurs ont répondu
    Thèmes : suicide , biographie , littératureCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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