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EAN : 9780241187593
56 pages
DK-Dorling Kindersley (01/03/2015)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Find out how Queen Victoria came to rule over nearly a quarter of the world by 1901.
Discover why so many Victorian children worked in mines and factories.
See what life was like in a Victorian home for wealthy families and the servants who worked for them.
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Women campaigned in the Chartist movement - demanding votes for both men and women - and formed their own trade unions.
In 1883, married working-class women formed the Women's Co-operative Guild and went on to win maternity and other rights.
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Quiz Harry Potter (difficile:1-7)

De quoi la famille Dursley a-t'elle le plus peur?

des voisins curieux
des hiboux
de Harry
de tout ce qui peut les faire paraître étranges

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