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Citations sur The Art of Tangled (3)

It has always been my hope that our fairy-tale films will result in a desire of viewers to read again the fine old original tales and enchanting myths on the home bookshelf or school library. Our motion picture productions are designed to augment them, not to supplant them.
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une citation amusante de l'équipe en ce qui concerne la création du personnage de Flynn Rider :

" Production held a whole meeting - the famous "Hot Guy Meeting" Shiyoon Kim remembers, " where all the girls came in and voted on all these... hot guys."
Jin Kim continues, "All the girls at the studio got together and put up all these hot actors" and celebrities" photos and then told us what they liked from each, what makes him hot."

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A propos de la personnalité de Raiponce :

"To me, that is Rapunzel's world, and the idea that this girl is making her walls go away by painting on them - I love that." (Glenn Keane)

[...] " Well, you start off when she was a little girl, she just started painting very simple childlike images on the wall. It progresses in maturity to where every square inch is painted. When we starting the story, there is no room left on this wall any longer. Her next step is to be to go out." (Glenn Keane)
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    Quel livre a inspiré le film "La piel que habito" de Pedro Almodovar ?

    'Double peau'
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