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Citations sur The X-Files : Trust No One (1)

"There's always fan fiction. Maybe I'll give it a try. I could put you in it. Dana Scully versus Callum James."
"You do that and I'll leave you."
"Come on, Scully. It will be cool. Just you against a three hundred year old vampire, having to fight your own attraction for the creature as you hunt him down. It's solid gold."
They started walking back through the forest. Mulder glanced back over his shoulder, watching the cloud slowly dissipate.
"Solid gold, I tell you."
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    Monstres de la mythologie grecque

    Je suis une créature hybride, mi-homme mi-cheval.

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    12 questions
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    Thèmes : monstre , mythologie grecque , créatures mythologiques , mythologie , mythesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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