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EAN : 9781409507178
Usborne Publishing Ltd. (26/03/2010)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The fifteenth title in the new "Usborne Very First Reading" series, specially designed for younger children to read together with their parents. Parents and children take turns to read from the page (the text clearly marked for who should be reading) and as the books progress in the series the adults read less and less and the child more and more. There are puzzles at the end for children to check their understanding of the text and guidance notes for the parents. B... >Voir plus

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Aïe ! ça fait mal ! (chansons) 🎵 😫

Qui Chantait : "Fais-moi mal, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Moi j'aime l'amour qui fait boum ! " ?

François Béranger
Boris Vian/Magali Noël
Henri Salvador
Johnny Halliday
Boby Lapointe

10 questions
25 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : chanteur , musique , nostalgie , Chansons françaises , humourCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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