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EAN : 9781778158100
526 pages
Self-published (12/06/2022)
2/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Trinity used to be the life of the party. She enjoyed music. However, that all changed when she lost someone she loved. Now, she can’t stand to hear a single melody. Once wild and courageous, she has now turned into someone who runs away from her problems. She acts stone-cold, but on the inside, she just wants someone to love. Leonidas lives off music. After all, he and his siblings didn’t become one of the most famous bands worldwide for no reason. The blinding lig... >Voir plus
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I love you more than the world loves the sun, more than plants need water, more than children who love Christmas, more than any romance book that’s ever been written, more than anything in this world that needs another to function. I love you so much that it physically hurts me to be apart from you.
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Whenever I go somewhere, I take a book with me. […] Reading is therapeutic. It’s like escaping to a world without actually escaping. I sometimes wonder how words on pages can bring me so much joy.
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Grief has a funny way of working. One day, you’re happy. The next, you’re tired. And the next thing you know, you’re furious with the world.
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I’m a mess… but at least, I’m a hot mess.
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De célèbres romans adaptés en BD

Qui a (magnifiquement ) adapté le roman de Jean Vautrin, "Le Cri du peuple" ?

Jean Graton
Jacques Tardi

12 questions
49 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , adaptation bd , Dessinateurs de bandes dessinées , littérature anglaise , scénariste , classique , littérature américaineCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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