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Citations sur Hothouse Flower (17)

I let out a deep breath. "I miss you." Fuck me. Why do I say shit like that to her?
Because it's the truth.
She says, "It's only been four days."
"Feels longer than that."
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
"Fuck you," I tell him easily.
He grins. "You love me."
"You say that to everyone,"I tell him. "And I highly fucking doubt the entire world loves you, Cobalt."
"The entire world doesn't have to love me, "he says, picking up his water again. "Only the ones that matter."
"That's cute. Did you write that in your diary this morning?"
"No, I read it from yours, " he banters.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
I nod. "Yeah, yeah."
"Don't yeah me twice," he retorts.
"Why, because it's redundant?"
He leans close, his arms on either side of the counter, on either side of me."Because it sounds fake, sweetheart."
"So if I moan twice-"
[...]"Don't go there."
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
"Do you need a hug ?" Rose asks me. "Because if you do, Lily can give you one."
Lily looks at Rose like really ?
"You give better hugs than I do. I know my weaknesses."
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
She's beautiful because she can make the sadest person in the world grin. And she can make the loneliest guy feel something more. She's youthful and wild. Primal and really fucking innocent. She's all this things that scream big fucking risk.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
She grins, brightness in her eyes that I haven't seen in a while. It's gorgeous beyond fucking words. But at night, that light starts to slowly wane. It's like Daisy Calloway is powered by the sun .
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
It's like we're a couple.
But we're not. And we nerve can be.
Some things are too complicated to ever come to pass. I know this is one of those things.
Commenter  J’apprécie          00

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