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Citations sur Reckless (4)

'What’s happening is Miss Independence met the treat-her-like-a-princess guy, and she’s freaking out.'
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She has a beautiful, antique-style brass bed frame. It’s dainty and polished, probably cool to the touch—just like her.
But if you hold that metal long enough, it will heat. Take on the temperature of its surroundings.
Winter just needs a little heat to warm herself.
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I stare at her. She has no idea how to ask for help.
And then it hits me. She’s had no one to ask.
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Because the very last thing I need in my life is someone who makes me feel like there’s not enough oxygen in my lungs when I’ve only just caught my breath.
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    Le Grand Meaulnes, d'Alain-Fournier

    Quand Meaulnes arrive chez les Seurel c'est pour :

    entrer en pension
    prendre des cours l'après-midi
    apporter des légumes

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    Thème : Le grand Meaulnes de Alain-FournierCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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