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Citations sur Trouble makes a comeback (2)

"Thanks for that, Princeton. I couldn't think with all those brats on me," he said.
"Don't assault little kids should be pretty much automatic, though," I said.
"You know, that's how they should teach health class. Stand us in a swarm of deranged kids and talk about abstinence," Digby said.
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"You realize this would be the first time I'd be eating at the dinner table instead of hiding up in your room?" Digby came back in and took off his coat. "Wow. This is an occasion."
" Well, don't get too excited yet. Like I said, I'm going to ask Cooper to make ramen, but earlier, I heard him talking about a nut loaf," I said.
"What the hell is that?"
"Exactly. And you still won't know after you eat it either."
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    Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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