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Vidéos de John Berger (7)
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Thelx12 décembre 2017
John Berger and Susan Sontag speak about story telling and about the ethic of photography.
Thelx07 décembre 2017
"A BAFTA award-winning series with John Berger, which rapidly became regarded as one of the most influential art programmes ever made. In this programme, Berger analyses the images of advertising and publicity and shows how they relate to the tradition of oil painting - in moods, relationships and poses.

Ways of Seeing is a 1972 BBC four-part television series of 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb. Berger's scripts were adapted into a book of the same name. The series and book criticize traditional Western cultural aesthetics by raising questions about hidden ideologies in visual images. The series is partially a response to Kenneth Clark's Civilisation series, which represents a more traditionalist view of the Western artistic and cultural canon."
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Thelx06 décembre 2017
A BAFTA award-winning series with John Berger, which rapidly became regarded as one of the most influential art programmes ever made. With the invention of oil paint around 1400, painters were able to portray people and objects with an unprecedented degree of realism, and painting became the ideal way to celebrate private possessions. In this programme, John Berger questions the value we place on that tradition.
'Ways of Seeing' is a 1972 BBC four-part television series of 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb. Berger's scripts were adapted into a book of the same name. The series and book criticize traditional Western cultural aesthetics by raising questions about hidden ideologies in visual images. The series is partially a response to Kenneth Clark's Civilisation series, which represents a more traditionalist view of the Western artistic and cultural canon.
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Thelx06 décembre 2017
A BAFTA award-winning series with John Berger, which rapidly became regarded as one of the most influential art programmes ever made. This second programme deals with the portrayal of the female nude, an important part of the tradition of European art. Berger examines these paintings and asks whether they celebrate women as they really are or only as men would like them to be.

'Ways of Seeing' is a 1972 BBC four-part television series of 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb. Berger's scripts were adapted into a book of the same name. The series and book criticize traditional Western cultural aesthetics by raising questions about hidden ideologies in visual images. The series is partially a response to Kenneth Clark's Civilisation series, which represents a more traditionalist view of the Western artistic and cultural canon.
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Penelope11 novembre 2017
John Berger / Ways of Seeing , Episode 1 (1972)
A la rencontre des français
Débat sur les français d'aujourd'hui et sur la manière de les concevoir ou de les décrire à travers cinq ouvrages présentés par leurs auteurs. John BERGER écrivain anglais, parle des paysans Savoyards dont il a partagé la vie, dans la"Coquadrille". Gérard MORDILLAT raconte le peuple de Paris dans son autobiographie "Vive la Sociale". Gérard LAUZIER peint avec férocité et humour...
John Berger : D'ici là
Dans une salle de la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Olivier BARROT présente le livre de John BERGER "D'ici là" aux éditions de l'Olivier. Par ailleurs, lors d'une interview réalisée chez lui en Savoie, l'écrivain raconte la genèse de son livre.

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