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4.11/5 (sur 37 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
Biographie :

Artiste conceptuelle canadienne et auteure de livres et applications sur la créativité.

"Wreck This Journal", en français "Saccage ce carnet"
"This is Not a Book"
"How to be an Explorer of the World -the Portable Life"
"Mess: A Manual of Accidents and Mistakes"
"The Guerrilla Art Ki"
"Finish This Book"
"The Pocket Scavenger"

Elle mène des ateliers basés sur ses livres et enseigne l'illustration conceptielle à la "Emily Carr University of Art and Design" de Vancouve.

En 2012, elle créa une installation d'art public pour l'exposition "Urban Play" de Copenhague, intitulté "The Society for Exploratory Research".

En 2013, elle est invitée comme “Resident Thinker” par l'artiste Alex Hartley pour les olympiade culturelle.

Elle est consultante au "Center for Artistic Activism".

En 2014, son application "Pocket Scavenger" reçut le prix de la meilleure application de non fiction adulte

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? PLUS D?INFOS EN BARRE D?INFO ? Mets la HD, on y voit plus clair ! Toutes mes vidéos : _______________________ ? Mes favoris ? Joss Ma Libraire : Callum McGaw : J'irai dormir chez vous : Saccage ce carnet, Keri SmithLe Passeur, Lois Lowry _______________________ Pour me joindre/trouver : Le BLOG : FACEBOOK : Croque les mots ou la page perso Cassandra Croque les mots Le compte TWITTER : LIVRADDICT : INSTAGRAM : _croquelesmots_ Par MAIL ? : _______________________ N'oubliez pas de paramétrer votre Compte GOOGLE+ pour que je puisse vous répondre ! Je filme avec une SONY HDR-CX240 Je monte mes vidéos avec Sony Vegas pro 12 Bonnes lectures ! ?

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You are invited to go on adventure - right now, wherever you are.
In the following pages, I'm going to ask you to search for a bunch of items. At first glance, these may seem quite simple, mundane, inconsequential things, but don't be fooled - they are of utmost importance !

Every minute of the day there are hundreds (or thousands) of things around us that we don't notice. Our eyes tune them out because they don't seem important for our current needs. But what if we look at every "thing" as if we have never seen it before ? As if we do not know its function ? In that way, we learn to see it with new eyes.
These things can become very useful if we choose to think of them as raw materials. They are sacred objects just waiting to be collected by a modern-day explorer and used in a variety of artistic experiments.
That is your challenge : to infuse your daily excursions with a quest to see these things with new eyes.
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Créer, c'est détruire.
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Definition of a scavenger

. Go on mini adventures no matter where they are, especially in the most mundane of circumstances
. notice the ground beneath their feet, prowl the world looking for treasures
. see beauty in simple items, when sometimes others do not
. know that all objects can be imbued with special powers
. are interested in transforming simple objects into works of art
. often have collections of items in the bottom of their bag, scattered about their home, or hidden in a yard somewhere
. are always prepared to collect and will go to great lengths to do so, even occasionally putting themselves in precarious situations.

If so, proceed to the next section.
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4. Instructions are open to interpretation.
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De Diderot : "Les bijoux …...."

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