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4.6/5 (sur 10 notes)

Biographie :

Auteur et photographe de Los Angeles.

Il est diplômé en histoire de l'Art. Ses publications portent sur les recherches d'ossements et de charniers.

Il a commencé à faire des reportages sur les squelettes il y a un peu moins de cinq ans, quand il photographiait des ossuaires en Allemagne de l’Est, aussi appelés trous à cadavres

Il est membre de "The Order of the Good Death".

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Bibliographie de Paul Koudounaris   (4)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Leaving the village, I asked the guide if it was considered unusual to keep mummies in the home. His response was unforgettable. No, he did not find it unusual, because when he was a boy, he and his brothers slept in the same bed as the mummy of their grandfather. He then detailed how each morning the cadaver would be removed from the bed, dressed for the day, and propped up in a corner as if it were standing; later in the evening, it was disrobed and put back to bed. I asked about the motivations for treating his grandfather's mummy as his family had, but felt foolish as I did, because I already knew the answer. Indeed, he turned to me with the nonplussed look one gives people who ask obvious questions. "Because we loved him," he said simply, "and we wanted to preserve for him some part of his daily ritual."
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"We do not know what these corpses are. Well, the custodian needs relics of St Patrick, for instance, so this body is named St Patrick"
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Lecteurs de Paul Koudounaris (17)Voir plus

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vendredoi ou la vie sauvage

comment se nomme le bateau dans le chapitre 1?

la visconta
la virginie

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