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Citations sur Covenant, tome 2 : Sang-pur (31)

- Je... Je te choisis, toi - en tout cas ce que tu as dit.
Je rougis violemment. Par les dieux, j'avais l'air d'une idiote.
- Je veux dire, je choisis de laisser les choses arriver et...
Commenter  J’apprécie          50

Aiden pulled back, resting his forehaed against mine. He was breathing heavily. What came out of my mouth next was not something I'de planned. The three words just bubbled up my throat, barely even audible.
"I love you".
Aiden jarked back, eyes wide.. "No, Alex. Don't say that. You can't... you can't love me."
I started to reach for him, but the pulled my hands back to my chest. "But I do."
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
P. 35

"My gods, you're just like another pur, Aiden!" You're no different than the rest of them. How irrational of me to think otherwise."
Aiden flinched as if I'd it him. "I'm no different than the rest? Do you hear yourself?"
"Whatever. Who cares, right? I'm just a half-blood." I pushed past him before I did do something irrational, like cry in front of him. Turns out, I didn't make it very far. I kept forgetting how fasr Aiden could move.
He blocked me, eyes flashing silver. "How can you even say I'm like the other pures? Answer me, Alex."
"Because... because you should know that those rules aren't fair to us!"
"This isn't about damn rules, Alex. I'm like the other pures?" He gave a low, sharp laugh. "You believe that?"
"But you think-"
Aiden grabbed my arm, pulling me right against his chest. The unexpected contact fried my brain. "If I was like every other pure-blood, I would have had you by now, without even thinking about the consequences for you. Every day is a struggle not to be like them."
I started up at him, shocked to hear him put it out there so bluntly. Words -and I always had words- totally escaped me. I would have had you by now. I was pretty sure I knew what he meant.
"So don't tell me I'm like the other pures."
"Aiden -I'm-"
"Forget it." He released me, a cool mask slipping onto his face. "Practice is over."
Commenter  J’apprécie          50
Comment pouvaient-ils passer de questions politiques à ce bal, et maintenant à une attaque de démons ? Et moi qui croyais avoir la concentration d’une fourmi dopée au Red Bull.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
je ne peux pas lire dans tes pensées. Tout ce que je fais, c'est me brancher sur tes émotions.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
P. 242

I tipped my glass at Seth.
He must've said something, because Aiden's muscles stiffened under his black tux. Then slowly, almost relucantly, Aiden looked over his shoulder. The moment our eyes met, I felt like Cinderella.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40

"Is...because of what I told you at the zoo? Why you don't want to train me anymore?"
Aiden lean body tensed again, and a muscle in his jaw jumped. "Yes, that has something to do with it."
A crack in my heart started. "Because... because I said I love you?"
He made a deep sound in this throat. "And because I don't..." He paused, looking away. "I don't feel the same way about you. I can't. Okay? I can't let myself love you. If I did, I would take everything from you -everything. I can't do that to you. I won't do that to you."
"What? That doesn't-"
"It does matter, Alex."
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
P. 87

The I saw the sign for the zoo abd I face-planted the window again.
"We can't stay for long - only a couple of hours - or the Guards will suspect something. We also need to keep this a secret. We can't let anyone find out."
I nodded. "Of course. I won't say a single word. I just can't believe you remember this." I also couldn't believe I was in love with a pure-blood.
He merged toward the exit ramp, expression suddenly serious. "I remember everything you say."
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
P. 86

I loved Aiden - I loved a pure-blood.
Commenter  J’apprécie          40
P. 69
"It's kind of a surprise."
"Oh." I percked up. "What is it?"
Aiden chuckled. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, Alex."
Commenter  J’apprécie          40

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