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Citations sur Sur Tchekov (12)

Chekhov also had a faith in humankind that was strong but sensible.To paraphrase a popular prayer,he had the serenity to accept the things he could not change,the courage to change the things he could ,and the wisdom to know the difference.p.21 Editor's Introduction
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He(Tchekhov )wrote to Bykov in 1892"Will you be so kind as to point out to the people in your office(of your journal)that the advertisement in which I am described as "highly talented" and in which the title of my story is printed in poster-size letters has made a most unpleasant impression on me.It looks like an advertisement of a dentist or a masseur;and besides it is in bad taste.I know the value of advertisements and I am not against them,but I consider modesty and be the best and most effective advertisement for a literary person."p.18Editor's introduction.
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    Ivan BOUNINE

    Ivan Bounine (1870-1953) fut le premier russe à obtenir le prix Nobel de littérature en :


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