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EAN : 9781857886856
304 pages
Nicholas Brealey Publishing (06/04/2017)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Stranded at Schiphol airport, Ben Coates called up a friendly Dutch girl he'd met some months earlier. He stayed for dinner. Actually, he stayed for good.

In the first book to consider the hidden heart and history of the Netherlands from a modern perspective, the author explores the length and breadth of his adopted homeland and discovers why one of the world's smallest countries is also so significant and so fascinating. It is a self-made country, th... >Voir plus

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Quiz des Diables

Asmodée, créée en 1937 est le titre de la première pièce de théâtre de: (Indice: Bordeaux)

André Gide
François Mauriac
Sacha Guitry

8 questions
31 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : diable , diabolique , satan , malédiction , démons , littérature , culture générale , adapté au cinéma , adaptation , cinema , musiqueCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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