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EAN : 9784871870146
Ishi Press (01/01/1980)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The middle game of go often appears chaotic, but there is order in the chaos, as this book plainly reveals. The result of a joint effort by a tournament-winning Japanese professional player and an experienced American go writer, it lays down a few clear principles, then goes through a wealth of applications : examples, problems, and case studies from Professional play. The reader emerges with a thorough grasp of how to choose strategy, how to execute dual-purpose at... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Attack and defense provide most of the excitement of go. If stones could not be captured and groups killed, the game would be dull indeed. Go players are supposed to be a rational, calm, calculating lot, but that does not stop from enjoying the thrill of attacking and watching their opponents wriggle and skirm. It could even be argued that go appeals to the same human emotions as do hunting and warfare.
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