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Aven Shore (Autre) HarperAudio (Autre)
EAN : 978B0B1N64C8M
HarperAudio (14/02/2023)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Grace has never been good at anything except magic—not that anyone believes her.

While other children are adopted from the orphanage, nobody wants Grace. So she decides to make a home for herself by running away and offering herself as an apprentice to the witch in the nearby woods. After all, who better to teach Grace to use her magic? Surely the witch can’t be that bad.

But the witch is that bad—she steals souls for spells and gobbles... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Grace of Wild ThingsVoir plus

Video de Heather Fawcett (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Heather Fawcett
Scenes may be long or short, but in most cases, a story and its characters have changed in some way by the end of each one. On this panel, authors discuss how to structure several different kinds of scenes, from fight scenes to sex scenes.
Featuring Heather Fawcett, Georgia Summers, Kimberly Lemming, and Alexander Darwin
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