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EAN : 9781899618224
64 pages
Tarquin Publications (01/01/2011)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
With its concentration of geometrical form, Islamic art and architecture offers a very rich source of wonderful patterns to study and to investigate. The original inspiration for this book came from visits to the buildings of Moorish Spain, in particular to those of Granada, Cordoba and Serville. This striking introduction to Islamic design was followed by journeys to traditional sites of the Middle East and North Africa and then finally to some of the newer mosques... >Voir plus
Que lire après Geometric Patterns from Islamic Art & ArchitectureVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Un bon petit livre pour découvrir les subtilités de l'art islamique, où les formes géométriques des plus simples au plus complexes (triangles, losanges, hexagones, ...) s'assemblent pour former des motifs de décoration complexes, colorés et fascinants qui peuvent être interprétés pour le patchwork ou la mosaïque. Ou simplement pour le plaisir des yeux.
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Everywhere there was a wealth of pattern and inventiveness to marvel at. The sense of wonder increased still further when, on starting to draw the patterns for myself, I discovered the simplicity of the grids from which they were developed. It is hoped that this book, with its combination of drawings and photographs, will stimulate a thorough investigation and interest in the wonderful geometrical patterns and buildings of Islam.
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autres livres classés : Andalousie (Espagne)Voir plus

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