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EAN : 9798835310500
326 pages
Auto édition (26/06/2022)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
When a faerie princess with a curiosity for things better left alone encounters a dark fae prince with a beastly secret, she's forced to become his bride in a dangerous new world where love and loathing struggle to coexist...

I’d known exactly who he was—the Unseelie prince. But I hadn’t known just what he was.

I’d been fooled.

The creature I’d formed a tentative friendship with in my family’s dungeon was not the gentle, ... >Voir plus
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'But you’re not a monster, Colvin.' […] 'The monster has always been me.'
'Fia,' he breathed, visibly tensing, his hand squeezing mine.
I shook my head. 'But if it means there is one less corrupt creature in this world with the audacity to try harming you, then a monster I am happy to be.'
Colvin swallowed thickly, his eyes coated in a wet sheen. 'I care not what you are.' […] 'Just that you’re here, and you’re mine.'
'All yours.'
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He was every fear I’d ever had and every wish I’d never known I’d longed for. A soul as dark as night and a heart of cloudless mornings, this contradiction of a male had me tethered tightly to him long before he’d made it irreversible.
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Beneath the sun, we have our fun, frolicking and singing until darkness comes.
Beneath the moon, we howl, and we bray, hunting and mourning the rise of each day.
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